Let's expand our English vocabulary every day

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Look up words conveniently and effectively

Easily look up English vocabulary on all platforms with Evelingo. Our vocabulary will help you better understand the meaning and usage of that vocabulary.

Save words and personalize

Look up words and save them with personal customization to create your own vocabulary, and experience unique and convenient learning.

Effective and optimal learning method

We combine scientific teaching methods with interesting learning content to create useful courses that help you practice listening, speaking, reading and writing!

Earn points, certificates, rankings

With each step forward in your learning journey, you can accumulate points, receive high ratings and gain recognition for your English proficiency.

New words every day

We build a learning habit by showing new vocabulary every day so that the Evelingo community can expand their vocabulary together.

Learning English is not as difficult as you think!

Providing quality articles about study tips to help you optimize the vocabulary learning process in an interesting and effective way.

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Start exploring the endless world of vocabulary with Evelingo!